Clinic 3 - Live ENGLISH

At this clinic Julie Chistiansen will elaborate how you use the training from clinic 1 to move forward from the winter training. What is the next step? How do you move from clinic 1 all the way to the top of your goal(s) even if you are a pleasure rider, young rider or a professional competitor? Common for all is the importance of your horse being in equilibrium, being self caring and working without struggle.

How do we get enough strength in the different gaits? What time of the year is it important to get ready to reach your goal(s)?

Julie makes you understand how to collect your horse - and how you move on from a collected horse without developing a stressed horse. All the time Julie is focusing on the importance of having a horse that follows the rider both mentally and physically. This makes you accommodate injuries of the horse and the training - which can prevent you from going several steps back on the training path.

Get you and your horse ready for riding on the next level, and get ready for competitions in this clinic.

It would be a big advantedge for you to have taken part in clinic 1 before attending clinic 3


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Order 4 spaces at the same time - and get 15% discount. 

This is an online-live-clinic = webinar. You will get an link to the showroom send pr mail 1 hour before the Clinic will start. So keep an eye on your e-mail and spam order. 

Be ready by the computer, ipad or iPhone - you can ask questions through the hole clinic and I will answer live on the screen. 

Choose "pick up" by ordering. Your e-mail adress is your receipt and will show on my log in side.